May 15 March on Israel

7 05 2011

                  One week from now Israel faces a potential calamity. Arabic and English internet sites are buzzing with threats and chatter calling for millions of Muslims to march into Israel in a human wave. Western media have not given much mention, but this march could explode into a full-scale war.

Psalm 83 has been well documented here, and this event could be the trigger. Given the so-called “Arab Spring” demonstrations in multiple countries, Palestinians prepare to seize the moment for their own uprising. The Arabic term for uprising is “intifada”. These internet sites are calling for a third intifada. However, Israel, under Netanyahu, will not be passive this time. Pray wisdom for Israel’s leaders to seek Divine guidance for the crisis. The Psalm 83 War will be won by Israel, but not without Yehovah’s supernatural help.

A catalyst for Palestinians, the recent agreement between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority,violates the PA’s previous agreements with Israel. Israel responded by holding back tax funds from the PA. However, in a blatantly counterproductive move, the EU is sending 85 million Euros to the rescue of the Palestinians. The contradiction here is vivid to close observers. The EU is part of the Quartet, which is four entities working to impose a “peace treaty” on Israel. They are the United States, the United Nations, Russia and the European Union.

The Quartet has declared numerous times that Hamas is a terrorist group that must do three things for acceptance as a peace partner with the PA. 1. Accept Israel’s right to exist. 2. Renounce violence (which is impossible since their name is an acronym which means “violence” in Hebrew). 3. Agree to the previous agreements between the Palestinian Authority and Israel. Hamas flatly rejects all three stipulations. The opposite is the case; the PA has joined with Hamas via their “Unity” pact.

Israel can in no way make peace with those whose charter demands Israel’s annihilation. Therefore, this rising “Arab Spring” movement will detonate the worst impulses in Israel’s enemies. We have seen this coming for several years. What will be the event that lights the fuse? Another flash point is the PA’s announced intent to unilaterally declare statehood in September. It may not happen next week, but the fuse is ready to burn.

Finally, it is in this context that Prime Minister Netanyahu meets President Obama in DC on May 20. He will also speak to a joint session of the US Congress on May 23 or 24. Prophetic events are piling on top of one another at a dizzying pace. Fasten your seat belt for a wild ride this month. Or better yet, spend some serious time in your prayer closet.

Les Lawrence, Voice of Christian Zionists     (READ MORE)

O God, do not be silent! Do not be deaf. Do not be quiet, O God. Don’t you hear the uproar of your enemies? Don’t you see that your arrogant enemies are rising up? They devise crafty schemes against your people; they conspire against your precious ones. “Come,”they say, “let us wipe out Israel as a nation. We will destroy the very memory of its existence.” Yes, this was their unanimous decision. They signed a treaty as allies against you. Psalm 83:1-5 NLT.                                                           



5 responses

9 05 2011
Samuel Cravotta

I love the cartoons.
Please publish more like these.
Shalom, Samuel


9 05 2011

Thanks, Samuel, if you click on the cartoons there is a link to their sites.


13 05 2011
Bruno Deshayes

Thank you for a good summary. Israel has always been God’s time clock for the outporing of His Spirit in the wider church. Is this ushering the great revival before the return of Christ?


13 05 2011

Yes, I believe it is bringing in the greatest revival of history. However, rather than prosperous times, this revival is in the context of judgments and devastation that causes people to cry to the living Father God for mercy through the Son.


13 05 2011
May 15 Catastrophe Day Starts Early « Elisha Vision – The Blog

[…] Les Lawrence, Voice of Christian Zionists      (READ MORE) […]


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