Arthur Burt of Wales at 100

13 06 2012

Arthur Burt, a traveling minister of Jesus for some 50 years, resides in Wales. He reached 100 years of age on May 12, 2012. We are so blessed to host him in North Carolina next week. For his full event schedule please see his website.

We first met in 1968 and I have hosted him an average of once a year wherever I have lived. He has been a friend and mentor to me as he has to many across the globe. Last year I published Generation LIGHT which was dedicated to Brother Arthur. Here is that quote:

This book is dedicated to my friend and mentor, Arthur Burt of Wales, a contemporary of Smith Wigglesworth. He continues to travel and preach around the world as he approaches his 100th birthday this year. He has imparted faith to me for over 43 years. Arthur exemplifies Christ in us, the hope of Glory. Thank you, Brother Arthur. His parting words are nearly always, “See you in the Plan, brother.”

Here is an example of Arthur’s heart, an excerpt taken from his website.

Why should I settle for less by hanging on to my identity, the right to myself? The fullness of God, – “the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ”, demands all ! It is not some rare, “to be hoped for” experience….it is my birthright. It is offered to me, it is open to me. I don’t want to settle for less by hanging on to the right to myself. Included in these “rights” are the strongholds in my life: my fears, my complaints, my pet dislikes, opinions and judgements……all needing to go on the altar to be burned up in the fire of God. The fire of God produces ashes and the wonder of it all is that in God’s brilliant plan, “He gives beauty for ashes.” The divine exchange! If I am willing to lose my identity in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit will form and extend the image of the Son in me.(The Look of God..)

Please be in prayer for these North Carolina meetings even if you cannot attend. Pray for a continuous connection all the way back to the Welsh Revival.

Les Lawrence, Voice of Christian Zionists    (READ MORE)



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